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Joe's Oat Patties-How to Prepare

Joe's Oat Patties

Things you’ll need to get started

First you will need to grab your favorite bag of Joe’s Oat Patties mix along with your

  • medium mixing bowl

  • spoon or spatula

  • 1 cup of HOT water.

Step 1:

Step 1 Ingredients

Empty your mix into a medium size mixing bowl.

Add Hot water

Step 2:

Now it’s time to rehydrate and rejuvenate your mix!

Step 2: Cover and Let Stand

Take 1 cup of HOT water and pour over the mix in your mixing bowl. Do not mix. After you pour on the water, cover your mixing bowl and let stand for at least 5 minutes. It is important to let the mix rehydrate while covered and this will allow all the veggies to rejuvenate in order to get the enzymes working again.

Step 3: Cook

Step 3:

Once the mix has cooled, uncover and mix well. Now it’s time to cook!

*Tip: when making burgers, use an ice cream scoop, rubber spatula, and a griddle ring, or wet your hands and roll and shape into a patty. Cook with light olive oil.

Enjoy Joe's Oat Patties!

The beauty of Joe’s Oat Patties mix is the versatility.

You can make not only veggie burgers but crumbles, soups, links, “meaballz”, salads, etc.

Find your favorite Joe's Oat Patties at our market tables or shop online HERE

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